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商品号 商品/服务名称 商品/服务名称(英文) 备注
C110021 锅炉报警器
C110022 石墨坩埚
C110049 舞台烟雾机 与第七版及以前版本0718舞台烟雾机交叉检索.
C110050 演出用肥皂泡和泡沫发生器
110002 蓄热器 heat accumulators
110003 乙炔燃烧器 acetylene burners
110004 乙炔发生器 acetylene generators 与第九版及以前版本1102乙炔发生器交叉检索
110008 热风烘箱 hot air ovens
110016 热气装置 hot air apparatus
110032 熔炉冷却装置 coolers for furnaces / cooling vats for furnaces
110032 熔炉冷却槽 coolers for furnaces / cooling vats for furnaces
110047 锅炉(非机器部件) boilers, other than parts of machines
110048 kilns
110050 散热器盖 radiator caps
110052 水加热器 water heaters
110058 实验室燃烧器 laboratory burners
110059 石油工业用火炬塔 flare stacks for use in the oil industry / flare stacks for use in oil refineries
110060 燃烧器 burners
110061 杀菌燃烧器 germicidal burners
110063 洗衣房用煮衣锅 laundry room boilers / washing coppers
110063 洗衣用铜锅 laundry room boilers / washing coppers
110067 加热装置 heating apparatus
110069 回热器 heat regenerators
110070 耐火陶土制炉灶配件 oven fittings made of fireclay
110074 熔炉进料装置 loading apparatus for furnaces
110077 加热用锅炉 heating boilers
110078 供暖装置用锅炉管道(管) boiler pipes [tubes] for heating installations
110080 固体、液体、气体燃料加热器 heating apparatus for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels
110082 电加热装置 heating apparatus, electric
110085 加热元件 heating elements
110086 熨斗加热器 heaters for heating irons
110090 浸入式加热器 immersion heaters
110100 胶加热器 glue-heating appliances
110101 蒸馏塔 distillation columns
110120 蒸馏装置 distillation apparatus
110129 热交换器(非机器部件) heat exchangers, not parts of machines
110142 蒸发器 evaporators
110149 轻便锻炉 forges, portable
110150 非实验室用炉 furnaces, other than for laboratory use / ovens, other than for laboratory use
110150 非实验室用烘箱 furnaces, other than for laboratory use / ovens, other than for laboratory use
110151 炉用成型配件 fittings, shaped, for furnaces / fittings, shaped, for ovens / shaped fittings for furnaces / shaped fittings for ovens
110152 火炉栅 furnace grates / fire bars
110152 炉条 furnace grates / fire bars
110153 壁炉 hearths
110154 炉灰箱 furnace ash boxes / ash pits for furnaces
110162 燃气锅炉 gas boilers
110165 蒸汽锅炉(非机器部件) steam boilers, other than parts of machines 与0737蒸汽机锅炉类似;
110173 焚化炉 incinerators
110194 水箱液面控制阀 level controlling valves in tanks
110197 氢氧燃烧器 oxhydrogen burners
110199 油炉 oil burners
110201 加热板 heating plates
110205 蒸汽供暖装置用气阀 air valves for steam heating installations
110208 精炼蒸馏塔 refining towers for distillation
110211 水加热器(装置) water heaters [apparatus]
110216 自来水或煤气设备和管道的调节附件 regulating accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes 与1108自来水设备的调节和安全附件类似;
110217 自来水或煤气设备和管道的保险附件 safety accessories for water or gas apparatus and pipes 与1108自来水设备的调节和安全附件类似;
110224 旋管(蒸馏、加热或冷却装置的部件) coils [parts of distilling, heating or cooling installations]
110231 炉膛灰渣自动输送装置 ash conveyor installations, automatic
110232 蒸汽发生设备 steam generating installations
110240 煤气管道的调节和安全附件 regulating and safety accessories for gas pipes
110242 蒸汽储存器 steam accumulators
110246 蒸馏器 stills*
110252 供水设备 water supply installations
110259 煤气设备的调节和安全附件 regulating and safety accessories for gas apparatus
110264 加热锅炉用管道 flues for heating boilers
110267 壁炉(家用) fireplaces, domestic
110268 热泵 heat pumps
110270 太阳炉 solar furnaces 与1109太阳能集热器,太阳能收集器类似
110273 暖气锅炉给水设备 feeding apparatus for heating boilers
110279 窑具(支架) kiln furniture [supports] 与第八版及以前版本1907陶瓷窑具类似;
110292 工业用层析设备 chromatography apparatus for industrial purposes
110293 加热用电热丝 heating filaments, electric
110308 水族池加热器 aquarium heaters
110311 牙科用烘箱 dental ovens
110319 恒温阀(供暖装置部件) thermostatic valves [parts of heating installations]
110328 工业用微波炉 microwave ovens for industrial purposes
C110058 回转窑
C110059 焙烧炉
110340 热风枪
110215 热气流调节器